UCI Staff Picnic September 1999

I worked in the Dean's Office in the
School of Humanities from 1996 to 2006.

Skylar and Jarrod (left to right) and Becky (far right) are watching Herb Killackey get dunked in the dunk tank at our annual staff picnic. The kids were very good at hitting the target and since there weren't many kids there, the people running the dunk tank gave them several free tries. You can't see the kids tee shirts very well but they say HUMANities in large black letters across the front. Jack and I were wearing the same thing. (This was my rebellious reaction to the official shirt design which was chosen the year or so before.) Actually Jarrod suggested that the shirt have a manatee on the front with a word balloon saying "Hi! My name is Hugh." [Get it?? Hugh-manatee(s)] Posted by Picasa


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